Larkhill Financial
Tax Consultancy specialising in Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning, Probate & Administration of Estates.
01242 216230
41 Rodney Rd, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HX
“Tis impossible to be sure of anything but Death & Taxes.”
— Christopher Bullock, 1716
Larkhill Financial
Nick Mitchell FCA qualified as a Chartered Accountant after training with KPMG in Leicester. In 1989 he set up Mitchells, Chartered Accountants, and grew the practice over 27 years with offices in Cheltenham and Bristol and 25 members of staff.
In 2017 Nick sold the practice to pursue other interests and to set up his own tax consultancy looking after high net worth individuals with a particular emphasis on IHT planning and probate work.
He has over 40 years experience in looking after clients and dealing with their personal tax affairs. Larkhill is a small niche consultancy and all work is carried by Nick and his assistant (No back office full of faceless individuals).
Our Services
Inheritance Tax Planning (IHT)
With IHT tax rates at 40% IHT planning is vitally important and needs to be carried out at an early stage to protect your wealth and pass onto the next generation.
Nick will meet face to face with the client and go though in detail all the personal financial aspects and discuss their wishes for the future and their long term goals. This process can be complicated and will take some time and will probably require amending existing wills or creating new ones.
The actual will writing process is carried out by one of our solicitor partners or indeed by the client’s own solicitor.
Nick will act as the advisor then make sure the agreed recommendations are correctly carried out.
Probate and Administration of Estate
Our Fees
Many solicitors and banks charge a % of assets realised as their fees, this can result in extremely high fees. Our fees are based entirely on time taken and charged at £175 per hour plus VAT.
This rate in considerably lower than most solicitors, the reason we can keep our costs down is strict control over our overheads, small team and remote working.
Strategic Partners
We have close ties with local solicitors, insurance brokers and financial advisors with whom we work closely.
This way we can advise our clients and assist them in selecting the best other professional to help them achieve their goals, this is mostly performed at the IHT planning stage.
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with us.
Larkhill Financial Ltd Company Number 10695587